"Getting together once a week and discussing a to do list is not Scrum but work a meeting" - Eddy Nieuwendijk


Virtueel Classroom

Agile Project Management
Project management is a well-known way to achieve predefined results within organizations in temporary collaborations. This way of working often deviates from the standard working method within an organization and therefore requires a different way of management and control. There are a number of methods that have further structured this working method and have since gained recognition in various industries.
Agile is a method of product development that originated in IT. A number of characteristics are at the basis of Agile product development, such as:
- Self-organizing / multidisciplinary teams
- Iterative and incremental product development
- Visual communication
- Rapid value creation for the customer
Agile is not one specific method, but rather a collection of all kinds of principles and methods. Within one project, therefore, several methods can work very well to deliver a certain product for a certain customer. The Agile methods are based on the same basic principles, laid down in the " Agile Manifesto" .
Why Agile project management
With traditional project management methods, the result, the preconditions and other matters of the project are recorded in detail at the start of a project. These principles are then established during the implementation of the project. In practice, it turns out that this does not work well enough, especially for projects with a long lead time. New insights regularly arise during the project. Insights that allow the user organization to adjust the project goal in relation to the original goal.
Agile methods accept these changing specifications as a "fact of life" and try to integrate them into the development approach. This is done through an "adaptive" approach.
Experience has shown that an Agile approach leads to improvements in many projects. The flexibility and speed of Agile project management often results in better projects and is often a more pleasant way of working for project teams.
Projects in an Agile environment also need to be managed.
You can opt for support from Best Practices such as:
Agile Project Management (DSDM) en PRINCE2 Agile.
Nearly all project management organizations are now working on integrating Agile into their methods. Such as IPMA and PMI
At Nwdijk you can PRINCE2 Agile and Agile Scrum training
✓ Pragmatic approach
✓ Expert teachers
✓ Small groups
✓ One-to-one lessons
✓ Accredited
✓ In-company
✓ Tailor made
✓ Official certificate
✓ Online training