“Making people prioritize by value forces them to produce that 20 percent first. Often by the time they’re done, they realize they don’t really need the other 80 percent, or that what seemed important at the outset actually isn’t.”
― Jeff Sutherland



Virtual Classroom
Scrum Product Owner
This Scrum Product Owner course focuses on the theory and principles of Scrum Product Owner. The focus is on the challenge of getting the business and project managers to work with Scrum as well.
In this Scrum Product Owner training you will learn how to deliver good and fast results to your customers and stakeholders. Optimizing the result for the customer is the most important task of the Product Owner.
But we also discuss matters such as requirements, motivation and the development of a product vision and roadmap.
Scrum Product Owner) training, the following general objectives are central:
- Deepening of the Scrum method
- A clear idea of how Scrum works
- Understanding of servant leadership
- Voorbereiden voor het Agile Scrum Product Owner examen
For who is this training:
The training is for everyone who:
- The role of Scrum Product Owner aspires or fulfills
- Responsible for a business line or optimizing Business Value
- Want a better understanding of the Scrum Framework
You do not need any prior theoretical knowledge or experience to participate. The assessment and some parts of the teaching material are in English.
A good basis for any Agile training is reading the Scrum Guide .
After this training
As a Product Owner, have you improved your professionalism with your knowledge of / skills of the Scrum Framework and are you equipped to take on the role as Product Owner?
Deze training is voorbereidend op het Agile Scrum Product Owner examen van exin.com.
This is available online in English and is not included in training.
The teaching material is in English.
At Nwdijk you can follow the Scrum training courses in 2 different ways:
✓ Pragmatic approach
✓ Expert teachers
✓ Small groups
✓ One-to-one lessons
✓ Accredited
✓ In-company
✓ Official certificate
✓ Online training

The Scrum proces
Door gepassioneerde en ervaren docenten gaat u interactief door de stof heen. Wij werken altijd met kleine groepen zodat iedereen onderdeel wordt van het leerproces. De docenten beschikken over ruime ervaring en zullen met veel praktijkvoorbeelden de stof op een verhelderende wijze overbrengen en u voorbereiden op het door u gewenste examen.
Our interactive e-learning does not only focus on preparing for the exam, but takes you through the theory of Scrum Professional Product Owner in enlightening modules. You follow the various videos and make quizzes and exercises so that the material becomes clear and sticks.
Our Online training courses are all English and accredited.
Go to the online training
Look HERE for our full Online offer
Onze virtuele trainingen combineren de persoonlijke leerervaring van een klaslokaal met het gemak en de flexibiliteit van een virtuele omgeving, zodat deelnemers niet op dezelfde locatie hoeven te zijn. De lesblokken worden in overleg ingedeeld in dagdelen en worden gegeven met gebruik van MS Teams of Webex.